July - August 2017
2017 Cria
Our first birthing season began with many hours / days sat impatiently waiting in the field for our first cria to arrive! Following them around with your phone didn't work, stood over them from dawn til tusk! Every time they raised their tale the excitement of looking for the signs of a head...... but no just some more 'paca poo to pick up later!
1st July Saffron decided to put us out of our misery, with no more than 4 minutes from head popping out to cria on the ground it can only be described as the perfect birth..... Artisan, along with the Lythe Brow name was born. A beautiful brown boy with a white flash on his head.
Less than 24 hours to wait for the next one, the excitement of Saintly giving birth was nearly too much for us all! Alchemist, a beautiful fawn boy, with a tight curly fleece, he looks pretty special and we can't wait to see him develop.
4 days seem like an eternity when you are stood waiting & watching. Then Ruby decided it was her turn to provide us with her package. With three boys already in a progeny another was expected..... So out popped a beautiful brown Nobility baby girl. Ayra, although a little younger than her playmates it wasn't long til she joining in with the frollicks in the field with the other cria!