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Lythe Brow News

What we’ve been up to

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A dream is born

28th July 2016

After many years as just a pipedream and literally 6 weeks preparation our dreams became a reality. Sifting through Facebook a few weeks earlier we noticed a local breeder selling two young female alpacas, here was our opportunity. We had only moved into our new house 6 months earlier and we now had the land we desired to follow our dreams. We had attended the BAS National Show at Telford for the two previous years, we went on a day course introduction to alpacas at the wonderful and helpful Fowberry Alpacas and did as much research as we possibly could, but were we prepared?
Linda & John (Little Eskrigg Alpacas) were very helpful and the purchase of Paris & Pavlova (Little Eskrigg) seemed the logistical choice, not only were we purchasing two young female alpacas with good genetics but we were also buying into the knowledge of two experienced breeders.
With the fieldshelter not to arrive in time, the front and base of a shed was removed and a makeshift shelter was erected.

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The Big Build

August 2016

With the purchase of our first alpacas, the wait was on for the delivery of our field shelter, alas no Bob the Builder or Nick Knowles and his team to help out. But single-handedly this 42ft field shelter was to rise from the ground. Like Noah building the ark (and maybe we should have built one of those in the floods of Dec '15) Steven set out to build the new home for our alpacas. Designed and delivered courtesy of Country & Leisure UK, 20ft field shelter, 12ft stable and 10ft for our pygmy goats was all put up within the weekend. Some spare bolts and screws left over but surely these were sent as a goodwill gesture in case we lost any during construction??? The hope was now that the alpacas would like their new home and we could remove the unsightly shed they were using as a temporary shelter.


Here Come The Girls.....

12th October 2016

A little longer than first planned, but today was the arrival of our carefully chosen additions to our herd. A Saturday morning visit to Fowberry Alpacas with our shopping list in early August had seen us truly fall in love with alpacas. Hands shook, deals were made (4 pregnant females, three cria and an auntie, we now only had to agree our matings for our newly purchased females. How hard can that be????
Then it was waiting time, alpacas mated, spit off, pregnant? Vet scanned. We wanted and were ready for them in August but waited patiently for them and today was the day of their arrival. We had previously loaned Ninbella Harrison from Fowberry for spit off with Paris & Pavola, Tracey had fallen in love and today was the day he was due to return home. How would the introduction of the new girls go? It went better than expected, our apprehension was misplaced. They bonded immediately and frolicked round the field exploring their new home……………. Time to halter ‘Harry’ and let Jenny and Graham take him home, well they were supposed to. Hearts strings had been tugged and an offer was made to purchase Harry, which was duly taken and he was now a proud Lancastrian!


Halter Training

Jan / Feb 2016

Halter training really started in earnest in January. After a few adjustments to the halters to ensure comfort for the babies, it came as no surprise that Cossack was a eager participant. He loved the attention that much that his willingness put the other babies at ease when they felt unsure of what we were wanting of them.
Treats were the way forward and the babies soon realised if they did as we asked, then a couple of grass nuts would be coming their way.
The halter training was truly a family affair with the boys also getting involved and their enjoyment varied as much as the Lancastrian weather!

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2017 Show Season

April  2017

2017 was the year we took our next step into the scary world of showing our Alpacas. NWAG and the Scottish Alpaca Championship were to be our first appearances in the show ring and we decided to take all three of our babies with a great deal of interpretation and fear! 
How would Cossack, Caitlyn & Chantilly stand up against those shown by others? Would they actually stand up in the show ring? We had prepared ourselves the best we could, we had all been involved in many hours of halter training.  
NWAG was a complete blur, the occasion and our results took us by complete surprise! We had a few special supporters there to cheer us on but what was to follow left us speechless. Cossack (junior Fawn male), Chantilly (junior White female) and Caitlyn (multi any age) all came first in their classes and Cossack also went on to collect Champion Fawn male too. A fantastic start to our career in the show ring! Both boys also made their debuts in Junior Handling classes and thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Scottish Alpaca Championship two weeks later meant a long trip up to Scotland. Three babies settled in the trailer, Lanark was our destination! No boys to help us today, we also used it as an ideal opportunity to network with our ever growing friends within the alpaca world.
Cossack and Caitlyn both again took first in their respective highly competitive classes whilst Chantilly got a creditable second in a large White Junior class. Cossack, again showed his potential by taking Reserve Champion Male Fawn. 
We still have Westmorland Show to look forward to in September but before then decisions will need to be made on who we take......


2017 Babies

July - August 2017

Our first birthing season began with many hours / days sat impatiently waiting in the field for our first cria to arrive! Following them around with your phone didn't work, stood over them from dawn til dusk! Every time they raised their tale the excitement of looking for the signs of a head...... but no just some more 'paca poo to pick up later!
1st July Saffron decided to put us out of our misery, with no more than 4 minutes from head popping out to cria on the ground it can only be described as the perfect birth..... Artisan, along with the Lythe Brow name was born. A beautiful brown boy with a white flash on his head.
Less than 24 hours to wait for the next one, the excitement of Saintly giving birth was nearly too much for us all! Alchemist, a beautiful fawn boy, with a tight curly fleece, he looks pretty special and we can't wait to see him develop.
4 days seem like an eternity when you are stood waiting & watching. Then Ruby decided it was her turn to provide us with her package. With three boys already in her progeny another was expected..... So out popped a beautiful brown Nobility baby girl. Arya, although a little younger than her playmates it wasn't long til she joining in with the frollicks in the field with the other cria!


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Lythe Brow Alpacas


United Kingdom
LA2 9LZ.

©2017 by Lythe Brow Alpacas.

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